Joe Says Go
Joe is the little white-yellow man in the crosswalk. He's a pretty cool guy and usually gives me good direction---thanks for the red hand Joe! It's gotten me out of a number of near accidents. You are the best!Joe told me to go alot this weekend. He was there with me in San Diego in the Gaslamp Quarter amid the Har Krishnas hopped up on opioids, men running around in speedos, and people taunting cops and then getting pictures with them. He was there at Pacific Beach among the barefoot hippies, the surfer dudes, the scantily clad over-tanned college girls, and the drunks on Swinns.
He was even there on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. He watched out for my safety as I walked down to Sunset and then to Melrose. I think I would have felt better if he was packing though. Joe told me to "go" to Pinks, a famous hotdog stand, and I'm grateful for that advice though my arteries might not be. However, I wish he hadn't told me to "go" on the bus. Joe's not there to watch out for me. A Black panther in sunglasses enters the bus and is told by an polite older man that there is a nice open seat by him to which black panter with the rainbow hat on his mohawk replies--"I'm not blind." The older man then says "Just trying to be nice...." to which the scary rainbow headdress man says...."well, the Jews were nice to Jesus and they hung him on the cross...." Oh JOE!! Where were you?! Then the bus driver stops the bus and is like, "Is there going to be a problem?"
I'm so happy I don't take the bus in Hollywood and that I walk. Joe tells me when and where to walk and that suits me just fine.
So don't get impatient with Joe. He's trying his best. Hitting the crosswalk button over and over does not make him work any harder. He has a tough job to do. There aren't that many florescent 12 inch tall men around to fill his shoes if he quits. Don't anger him or he'll turn red before you are halfway across the street and cars will attack you. Joe can be a bit vindictive and catty at times, but I love him anyway.