My Cell Phone Owns Me
Ok, I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is the property of their own cell phone. I take it with me everywhere I go. Usually it gets to ride in a nice soft purse or on the passenger seat of my car.I'm very attentive to it.
Waiting for phone calls:
Me: "hmmmmmm....maybe my phone's on 'manner mode' and I just didn't hear it. (runs to check phone) Nope, didn't think so."
Me: "maybe I better take it with me to get the mail/take out the trash/clean my car/go into the bedroom in case I miss a call or can't hear the phone."
Me: (in a public place, someone's phone rings) "better check to see if it was mine....nope...oh well. Well, maybe I better keep my purse unzipped a little bit so I can hear it IF IT DOES RING."
Love/Hate Relationship:
Me: (staring at my phone in disbelief and disgust) "Why won't you just ring already!" [having several people who need to return my phone calls or get in touch with me].
Me: (ringing phone) "FINALLY!!"--personal reaction closely correlated to the specific ringtones designated for various people)
I even put my phone to sleep every night. I tuck it in to it's little charge base right before I dose off to sleep. Lord knows what could happen if my phone is not fully charged. What if I was marooned on a desert island or caught in a mineshaft and had to call to get out. All the "bars" in the world won't help if the battery is low. Every morning, it's the first thing I grab and is pressing thought on my mind every time I leave the house--"did I remember the phone?"
What would happen if for once I was not reachable instantaneously? What if I actually left my cellphone at home?!!? GASP!! It might get lonely. It might get sad. It would ring and ring and ring or sing and sing and sing with no one to listen.
Right now I am in the process of adopting a new cellular buddy from Verizon. It's been a week and I still can't decide which one I want. This is a two year committment to ONE phone! I'm not usually with guys that long! This is BIG!
My phone can be my best friend (connecting me to far-off friends and family) or my worst enemy (denying me simple phone calls from people I need to hear from). It's too late for me...I'm already too far into the addiction to ever hope for recovery.