My Trip to Sedona

I forget how magical a place it is. The autumnal season only enhances its beauty and mystique. While hiking Sterling Pass near Slide Rock, we walked amid great-grandfather ponderosas, powerful rocks enveloped in lichen, and red maple leaves cascading down the pass, covering the wet red earth in a fragile pink blanket. As we neared the crest of the pass through the mountains, we came upon a fairy land. Red maple trees had dropped thousands of their precious crimson and pink leaves across our path, bidding us temptingly, like a Rumplestiltskin, to rest our weary heads there. Passing the soft floor we were soon surrounded by dark trees, bowing to the mountain gods and arching over our path. Wind whistled through the pass urging us to go down the other side but we tricked the little whispering nimphs and turned our gaze back from whence we came.